The City of Campbellsville will provide quality services to its citizens.


The City of Campbellsville is served by the Mayor and twelve Council Members.


Meetings are held the third Monday of each month at 6:00 pm at the Civic Center Council Chambers. Location – 205 N. Columbia Ave., Campbellsville KY 42718

City Council Agendas

February 22, 2024

Mayor & Staff

Dennis Benningfield
Dennis BenningfieldMayor
Jennifer Thompson
Jennifer ThompsonCity Clerk
Josh Pedigo
Josh PedigoCity Administrator
John Miller
John MillerCity Attorney

City Council

Dr. Jimmy Ewing
Dr. Jimmy Ewing
Dr. Heather Wise
Dr. Heather Wise
Deanna Cowherd
Deanna Cowherd
John Eastridge
John Eastridge
Sharon Hoskins-Sanders
Sharon Hoskins-Sanders
Ronnie Dooley
Ronnie Dooley
Faye Howell
Faye Howell
Allen Johnson
Allen Johnson
Stan McKinney
Stan McKinney
Donnie Munford
Donnie Munford
Jacob Chewning
Jacob Chewning
Kathy Roots-Milby
Kathy Roots-Milby