Campbellsville Fire – Rescue Mission Statement:
Campbellsville Fire – Rescue shall provide safe, prompt, and professional fire, emergency medical, environmental, and other relevant emergency services to the citizens and visitors of our community with a diverse composition of career and volunteer personnel.
Campbellsville Fire – Rescue Vision Statement
The members of Campbellsville Fire –Rescue will take our fire department into the future through productive teamwork, open and honest communications, and participative decision-making throughout the organization.
Campbellsville Fire – Rescue is a progressive combination fire – rescue department that provides emergency services to the citizens and visitors of Campbellsville and Taylor County. These services include fire suppression, hazardous materials, and numerous aspects of rescue including water, dive, rope, trench, and confined space. The department also assists Campbellsville/Taylor County EMS on emergency medical calls and works closely with the Taylor County Fire Department through a mutual aid agreement.
Campbellsville Fire – Rescue is staffed by nine career personnel. These firefighters work a 24 hours on-duty and 48 hours off-duty schedule and are supplemented by an additional 50 volunteer firefighters. These men and women volunteer their time and play an extremely valuable role to our department and community. All career firefighters are trained to the Emergency Medical Technician level, with three of these personnel being paramedics.
Working in conjunction the Kentucky State Fire Marshal’s office, our department has several certified fire inspectors that perform annual fire inspections to local businesses for the purpose of maintaining code compliance. Additionally, firefighters perform countless hours of fire prevention and safety education to students and civic organizations throughout each year. Each firefighter also spends countless hours in training annually.
Our department is fortunate to have a Mayor, City Council, and Community that supports our mission regarding helping us in providing the very best fire and emergency services possible and our members provide these services with P.R.I.D.E. (Professionalism – Respect – Integrity – Dedication – Excellence).
Contact Information
Executive Director of Fire, Rescue, and EMS
Chris Taylor, Chief
Address: 100 W. Broadway
Campbellsville, KY 42718
Phone: 270-465-4131
Fax: 270-465-6811